Loki Entertainment Software Products
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Railroad Tycoon 2


Loki Goes Loco for POSTAL!
Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns Now Available for Linux
Immortals Can Now Wear Tuxedos Too!

Open Source Development

Loki is active in supporting and initiating open source development projects. Find out how you can participate and make a difference. Use the source!


When Murphy rears his ugly head, we're here to help. If you have a problem, comment or bug report, you'll get fast and concise help in our Support section.


News from Loki

Loki is closed. Thanks for your patronage.

01.31.02 1:00 PM PST Loki Store closes. Please find a reseller if you would like to purchase a Loki title.

We'd like to update our customers on a few items as we prepare to close down.

  • The Loki webstore will remain open until 12:00 PM PST January 31s placed on the webstore will be filled. Even though we are officially closing on the 31st, several of us are going to be in the office to make sure all orders ship.
  • Many of you have asked about support and maintenance for Loki products. We have taken the following steps:
    • all patches, FAQs, newsgroups and other online support services will continue to operate with a third party host. The Loki domains will be redirected to point to the new host, so you won't need to make any changes to continue to use these services.
    • all source code has been returned to the respective licensors. Although we cannot guarantee that each licensor will continue to support the Linux versions of their titles, we have made certain that they have all the necessary tools to do so. Don't be shy about letting them know your thoughts on the matter.
  • Finally, some have asked about the actual process of closing down. As you may know, Loki filed a voluntary Chapter 11 petition on August 3, 2001. We will be filing a motion to convert the case to a Chapter 7--a liquidation. At that time all of Loki's assets will be transfered to a U.S. Trustee appointed by the Court. The Trustee's job will be to sell those assets to the highest bidder.
We'd like to thank everyone for their support these past three years.

Best Wishes,
The Loki Software Team




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